Faith Kidz
Sunday School
Each Sunday morning, we offer programming for all children up to and including Grade 6. Fun-filled teaching, music, discipling and activities help to engage all children with just how much Jesus loves them!
Upon arrival each Sunday
all children must sign in at the Faith Kidz table in the foyer. Following a few songs of worship, kids will be dismissed for Sunday School.
0-36 Months (Not Supervised at this Time)
All of the volunteers who care for your children are trained in a child protection plan and are equipped to provide the safest and best care possible. Currently only open if a parent/guardian supervises their child! A Mother's Lounge is also available for mom's who need to give their babies extra care, while still being able to watch the service.
Lower Auditorium
(Children MUST be Potty trained)
All children will meet together for a time of singing, cool demonstrations which teach a Bible story, a group activity, and more. Currently we are using the Gospel Project curriculum, which studies the entirety of the Bible.
Family Services
(Every Long Weekend )
We see the value of corporate worship and believe that all children should learn the important aspects of a Sunday morning service so that they are ready to worship with others by the time they are in gr. 7. What to expect on these special Sunday's:
We encourage families with younger kids to sit in the back overflow area where a variety of seating, tables and more open space will allow children to comfortably engage in the service.
A “Kidz Korner” object lesson will be included in each service to make it engaging.
A Praise Pack activity bag, specific with age-appropriate & hands-on quiet activities will be provided.
Our Nursery Room (unsupervised) and the Mother’s Lounge will be available for parents with young children (0-5yrs) and for children who need additional care if they are getting noisy/restless.
Remember to:
Talk with your children about what they can expect as you are driving to church.
Quietly explain all of the different parts of the service/actions of the pastor, musicians, and leaders as they are occurring for your child to understand and follow-along with accordingly.
Worship Jesus exuberantly, pray with hands folded/on knees, and voice call-back responses when applicable. Children learn behavior by mimicking you!