Men’s Ministries


New series starts March 2nd

Paul & Timothy: Passing the Torch

(In addition to twice monthly breakfast / study) we meet several times throughout the year for mid week breakfast, Saturday lunch and a BBQ in September.  These gatherings are a time to build community and relationships with our Christian brothers.

Do you have a spiritual father? Is there someone in your life who encourages and challenges you to be what God made you to be? Who guides you toward a deeper and more meaningful life in Christ? That’s what Paul was to Timothy.

Could you be a spiritual father? You might think you’re not qualified. After all, you’re not the Apostle Paul. But we can all learn what it takes to be a successful spiritual father to a guy who needs that encouragement.

Join Brett Clemmer as we start a new study of 2 Timothy. It’s a letter from a father to his spiritual son, and it’s full of lessons on what a spiritual father needs to say, and a son needs to hear.

Men’s Events