What We Believe
Who We Are
The Evangelical Missionary Church of Canada (EMCC) is a family of 150+ churches across Canada organized to fulfill the Great Commandment and the Great Commission of our Lord Jesus Christ.
Christ at the Centre
In the EMCC, we function with unity in diversity. We are a diverse group of Canadian followers of Jesus, who live with grace and appreciation for “unity in essentials, liberty in non-essentials, and love in all things”.
Our uniqueness is that we are trying to stay centered on living like Jesus, for Jesus, and in the power of the Holy Spirit of Jesus. We call this the way of Jesus.
What We Believe
The Bible
We believe the Bible is the full revelation of God to mankind. It contains 66 books, 39 in the Old Testament, and 27 in the New Testament, which were written by men who were verbally inspired by God’s Holy Spirit. They are completely without error in everything they teach and incapable of being false or untrue. The Bible is the highest authority in directing a Christian in living a godly life.
We believe there is One God, who created and governs all things after the counsel of His will. He is holy, eternal, just, and loving. This God exists in Three Persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
We believe in Jesus Christ who is: the Son of God, coequal with the Father and one with God. Therefore, He is also eternal, holy, sovereign, just, and loving. Jesus Christ took on human flesh to save humanity from its sin. He died under the penalty of human sin. God accepted the death of His Son as a substitute to pay for sin and raised His Son from the dead three days later to show His approval. Upon His resurrection, Jesus Christ ascended to the Throne of Heaven from where He rules all things and builds His church. Jesus will return one day in bodily form to rescue His people and bring judgment to the world.
The Holy Spirit
We believe in the Holy Spirit as the third member of the Trinity of God. Therefore, He too is eternal, holy, sovereign, just, and loving. His ministry is to regenerate spiritually dead people, by first convincing the world of sin and of God’s future righteous judgment. Secondly, he reveals the beauty and necessity of Christ and His Cross and grants faith to believe. He sanctifies, equips and fills believers through His Holy Spirit.
We believe mankind is created in the image of God and therefore has value and worth. We believe mankind’s glorious image has been corrupted by original sin leaving mankind depraved and condemned.
We believe that salvation is only possible through the Holy Spirit and our decision to turn from sin and believe in Christ. We believe God has sent His Son to die for sinner’s by taking their place on the Cross. We believe that it is by faith that we receive forgiveness of sins and all the benefits that Jesus procured in His life, death and resurrection. Upon believing a person is declared righteous in God’s sight and welcomed as a child of God.
We believe that angels are created by God to glorify Him. The good angels ministers to the saints on Earth and the sinful angels, demons, work against God’s people. Among them is the Christians’s arch-enemy, Satan.
The Church
We believe the church of Christ consists of all those who believe in Christ for salvation. Christ paid the price for a people, a body of world-wide believers called the Church. We believe in a plurality of elders who oversee and shepherd the believers in a local church.
Future Things
He will come and raise the dead and judge all people. The believers will live with Him in the New Heavens and New Earth, and the unbelievers will pay for their sins in eternal, conscious punishment in the Lake of Fire.
Baptism is a conscious choice by follower of Christ as they are immersed in water to symbolize their new life in Christ. This symbol reminds us of Christ’s life, death, and resurrection. Communion or the Lord’s Supper should be regularly practiced, as it reminds us of Christ’s broken body and shed blood on the Cross.